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Tuesday 21 June 2011

Man on the mission

Yes here i am stating myself "Man a mission" just hours ago, i watch a youtube documentary about how a man can turn a community into his revolution, a healthy revolution that shake the ground on people minds people attitude about food, he just an ordinary man and can make a nation listen to him. Inspired by what he is doing I to must set up a goal and make a lots of objective to meet that goal.
years ago i met a girl, wonderful person beautiful pesona but for some reason i have not continue my pursue to have her, this is trouble i know, for some circumstance i have no idea what going in my mind keeping low in social life because poverty it lingering my heart, my mind it influence my attitude to other damn it, change me from before, god i hope i'm not turning into that pesona when change to the dark side is inevitable, there is so much to be done, wrong doing must be corrected.
Sun rises and sun sets everyday, and i have high confidence that change can met by little light of self revolution, no poverty no more suffering like hell. this is a man with princip writing now not a foolish boy who yesterday make the same mistake, if change must occur then it will start from the very core of mankind. His heart, by implementing "Hijrah" concept, insyallah it will succeed. like i said earlier if a man with sure goal in his sight he change the world...

Salam to all and goodluck...!

Saturday 11 June 2011

Itu cerita dulu

Bilamana kita diuji, sampai ke batasan dimana kekecewaan itu suatu perkara yang hampir nyata, tika itulah kita berkata kepada diri kita agar untuk tidak tunduk dengan kuasa negatif disekeliling kita, saya pernah alami situasi ini dan percayalah ia memang satu ujian dari yang Esa kepada kita.
Apa yang terbaik adalah untuk mendekati lagi diri denganNya dan jadilah orang yang flesksibel tetapi tahu batasnya insyallah, satu lagi kisah lama yang buruk baik2 dibuang lagi belajar daripadanya baru boleh berfikir lagi baik insyallah


Tuesday 7 June 2011

The first step

Salam all,
those five little finger that touches the ground,its nerves racing up to the brain of a child creating its first memories, ah yes those first step will became thousand then million because after those first we could not stop stepping the earth searching for wisdom,love,life until we all come to at ease and at peace to ourself.